The Barnsley specialist children's health services provide a wide range of community health services for families including;
We are committed to providing a clear and seamless integrated service that effectively responds to the needs of children, young people and families.
By working in this way we are able to ensure:
Children and their families are supported at the times when they need it
Excellent communication and information sharing between different teams who support children and their families
Improved access and reduced delays to services
Working in this way also enables us to deliver better outcomes for children and their families as we are able to support their needs from the earliest possible opportunity and provide, when needed, additional services in a seamless way.
The Barnsley specialist children's health services were formerly the Barnsley children’s 0-19 community health service which included health visiting and school nursing. Health visiting and school nursing services are now being delivered by Barnsley Council. To find out more information about those services please visit the Council's pages here.